newborn feed poking out of swaddle
Doula Wren Birth Support Services

Doula support for families in Northern VA and the WV Eastern Panhandle.

Helping families have a happy birth.


I’m Lauren, a birth doula based in Martinsburg, WV.

I am a doula, a mom of two, and a birth nerd! I help families experience joy and empowerment in birth. I believe you are capable of giving birth confidently—and I’d love to help you!

 About My Services

I help families within an hour of Martinsburg. As your doula, I provide physical, emotional, and informational support for you and your partner. I’m your go-to resource as you research your birth options, prepare for labor and parenthood, and navigate newborn care and postpartum.

prenatal preparation
labor support
postpartum and breastfeeding support

My Approach

As a doula, I combine evidence-based information and respect for the natural birth process. With my training and personal background, I hope to equip you to experience an informed and joyful birth.

pregnant woman and her partner hugging baby bump
Lauren Fernandez birth doula taking notes at prenatal meeting

Martinsburg Prenatal & Postpartum Resources

Here are a few local resources I recommend to my clients. Please reach out for my extensive list of providers.

  • Lamaze International:

    Bradley Method:

  • Prana Chiropractic:

    Gaia Women’s Physical Therapy & Wellness:

  • Root Lactation:

  • The Birth Collective - West Virginia Eastern Panhandle:

  • “Visits with Lauren postpartum were almost like therapy, helping me process through the birth and the difficulties of postpartum, breastfeeding, etc. I absolutely intend to hire Lauren again for any additional babies.”

    Abby L.

  • “Lauren is lovely to work with! Her presence brings a lot of peace and comfort. She's a good listener and easy to talk to. It's clear that she loves birth and that joyful attitude is uplifting.”

    Abby L.

  • "[Lauren] helped me balance my wants with my needs as far as medical intervention and help feel more in control in the midst of the chaos. She was careful to include my husband as much as he wanted in the preparation and in the work assisting me in labor and delivery.”

    Abby L.

  • “I'm convinced [Lauren’s] presence made the difference in allowing me to deliver vaginally as we came close to a c-section. Her advocacy and presence of mind helped us ask the right questions and push back at the right moments while still keeping the baby's safety the number one priority.”

    Abby L.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • In pregnancy, a doula helps you and your partner understand your options and develop a birth plan. In labor, a doula works closely with your birth partner to support you. This can include birth affirmations, massage and other physical support, and supporting decision-making through labor. During postpartum, a doula checks in on your transition, educates on newborn care and breastfeeding, and helps connect you to additional support as needed.

  • Doulas are trained to support families through education and hands-on skills. My training included communication skills, pregnancy and birth physiology, birth doula skills, and more.

  • Unlike a midwife, a doula is not a medical care provider. I provide informational, physical, and emotional support to you and your partner. I help you understand your options and support your family’s decision-making process. I do not make decisions for you. (Really, only you can do that!)

pregnant woman looking into crib

I can’t wait to meet you!

Interested in learning more about our services? I look forward to meeting you and discussing options to help you have a happy birth!