
What to Expect

If you’ve never hired a doula before (or never given birth before), it’s hard to know what support you might need. I get it, and I’ve been there too!

Let’s talk about it…

Step one

Consultation & Booking

I offer all my prospective clients a free consultation. Not only is this an excuse for me to get to a coffeeshop for a good cortado, but it also give us the chance to discuss your birth goals, brainstorm how a doula could help, and see if we’re a good fit. Not sure what your goals and needs are? Don’t worry—I’m prepared for that too!

Afterwards, I will send you a service agreement and invoice to reserve your due date on my calendar. Once those have been signed and paid, I’m your doula!

Step Two

Virtual Pregnancy Support

Even before you go into labor, I’m here for you! From booking through two weeks postpartum, I’m your resource for allllll those pregnancy, birth, postpartum questions…I’m excited already!

Step Three

Prenatal Meetings

I will meet with you and your partner twice around 28 weeks and 36 weeks. Together, we will determine your birth goals and support needs. As you evaluate your birth options, I can direct you to evidence-based information to support your choices. We will also discuss what to do during labor and how to prepare for a peaceful postpartum. I want you to leave our prenatal meetings READY for those first steps into parenthood!

Step Four

Labor Support

I will support you by phone and text through early labor. I can help you understand your progression of labor and suggest ways to keep you comfortable and rested.

During active labor, I will join you in your home or at your birthing location. I will guide you through various comfort measures, provide decision-making support, give your partner a break, and protect your space so you can labor peacefully and with dignity.

After your baby is in your arms, I will stay with you for 1-2 hours to make sure you are transitioning well and have help initiating breastfeeding.

Step five

Postpartum Support

I will visit you two times after the birth—usually around 24 hours and two weeks postpartum. This is a great time to reflect on the birth, discuss newborn care, and direct you to additional resources as necessary.

I will also continue to provide text and phone support for the first two weeks. Feel free to text me all those questions you don’t know to ask right now. Don’t worry—you won’t have to figure it all out on your own!

newborn baby sleeping


Birth doula support  |  $1000


  • Text support from booking through two weeks postpartum

  • Access to local pregnancy referrals and lending library

  • Two in-home prenatal visits

  • 24/7 on-call labor support from 38 weeks

  • Two in-home postpartum visits

Serving families within an hour of Martinsburg, WV.

  • “I'm convinced [Lauren’s] presence made the difference in allowing me to deliver vaginally as we came close to a c-section. Her advocacy and presence of mind helped us ask the right questions and push back at the right moments while still keeping the baby's safety the number one priority.”

    Abby L.

  • “Visits with Lauren postpartum were almost like therapy, helping me process through the birth and the difficulties of postpartum, breastfeeding, etc. I absolutely intend to hire Lauren again for any additional babies.”

    Abby L.

  • “Lauren is lovely to work with! Her presence brings a lot of peace and comfort. She's a good listener and easy to talk to. It's clear that she loves birth and that joyful attitude is uplifting.”

    Abby L.

  • "[Lauren] helped me balance my wants with my needs as far as medical intervention and help feel more in control in the midst of the chaos. She was careful to include my husband as much as he wanted in the preparation and in the work assisting me in labor and delivery.”

    Abby L.

 Have a question?

I am happy to answer any questions you might have. Please reach out directly using the button below. I’ll be in touch within 48 hours. Thank you!